We are your “one stop” resource for providing all DTV Medical facility notifications as required by the FCC and 47 CFR 15.242 (a) (1).
Although the repack has been completed, often those requirements must still be met, whether there is a frequency change, modification to a construction permit, increase in output power or change in antenna height.
About us
Originally founded to address the DTV MedicalĀ Facility Notification requirement, RF Notifications allowed engineers to focus on the necessary work requirements for the repack.
Today, we still execute Medical Notifications along with MVPD Compliance and assist with Land Mobile Interference studies.
How our process works
RF Notifications creates a customized database for your station, sends the notification letter to the identified medical facilities and provides the final report and documentation for the public file.

We create a database for your station.

We send a notification letter to identified medical facilities.
We provide a final report and documentation for the public file.
Who we are
RF Notifications is a consulting company owned and operated by Pete and Lisa Sockett. Originally created to support stations with DTV Medical Notifications for the Spectrum Auction Repack, RF Notifications has expanded to include MVPD Notifications as well as assist in Land Mobile Interference studies. During the repack we handled almost fifty percent of the Medical Notification mailings and worked with numerous Channel 14 stations on notification and contact development to mitigate interference concerns.